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Most of the information regarding adding an event, modifying an event and deleting an event is the same for meetings.

But 'Meeting' Scheduled Events are a type of event with some different characteristics than other events around adding and modifying the meeting paticipant list.

The differences are described in the following pages.

Only one 'Scheduled Event' type can be the meeting indicator. By default the 'Meeting' Scheduled Event type is the meeting indicator. If desired a different Scheduled Event type could be used as the meeting indicator. This can be changed as neede by a SurgiScheduler associate at your request.

To create a meeting event check the Meeting: checkbox to the right of the 'Add Event' button before selecting the button. The add screen will automatically have 'Meeting' as the Scheduled Event selection and will provide a checkbox list of all other Surgeons for inclusion as 'Other meeting participants:'. Simply check all those whom you wish to include in the meeting.