Maintaining Lists
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Before you can add an event to the calendar you must have lists set up. Lists determine the values for surgeon, device, procedure, location, coordinator and technician that can be used in setting up an event . If you want to be less restrictive you can set up values in the lists like 'Other' or 'Other - see details in notes' to handle events with values not pre-set in the lists. When working with a new calendar the list set up required to add an event to the calendar is one device, one location, one procedure, and one surgeon. With this minimal set up you can add an event to the calendar because the technician is not required and the administrator can be the coordinator.

To add, modify or delete list values select 'Administrative Functions' from the month view and then select the name of the list in the 'List maintenance' section and select 'Add' or 'Manage'
